I know it sounds too good to be true, but imagine a Christmas Elf Tradition for your family that is fun, positive, interactive, outwardly focused and teaches your values and traditions to your child.
Now add "simple" to that thought... Simple because it fits into your existing Christmas activities.
Well, you can stop imagining and start baby elf sitting! Snowpixies are...
...Fun (the entire family can be Santa's helpers by caring for a baby elf),
...Positive (a desire to help Santa without threats of the naughty list!),
...Interactive (join the Snowpixies story by building a personal relationship with the baby and moving it around in the crib to participate in your family Christmas activities),
...Outwardly focused (caring for the needs of a baby elf), and
...Teaches your values and traditions (set the right example for the Snowpixie as a guest in your home and help it learn the things that are important to your family at Christmas).
Simple, right? A Christmas Elf Tradition without adding the stress of time and cost trying to stage something new every day.
Simplify the season with a Snowpixies Care Package. Then, before the “arrival," gather together as a family to write Santa a letter telling him why your home is a great place to baby sit a Snowpixie!