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Journey of the SnowPixies

The SnowPixies came to life in 2017 as a Christmas craft project idea of Rachel Speas with the help of her dad, Mark Webb. That led them to write a book illustrated by artist Todd Andrew Babb telling a story about "The Journey of the SnowPixies".  They also developed the SnowPixies Care Package for baby sitting wee baby elves delivered in a special storage box that includes a Boy or Girl SnowPixie, Handmade Crib, Letter from Santa, Birth Certificate, Bottle, Baby Blanket, Toy Teddy Bear or Bunny, Personality Card, and the book: Journey of the SnowPixies.   



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The book, "Journey of the SnowPixies" reveals how these wee baby elves magically arrive on July 25th and gives the reason Santa decided to send them on their journey into the human world to be cared for by loving families during the busy weeks leading up to Christmas Day. 


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Rachel with Todd Babb finalizing the illustrations for The Journey of Jingle & Bell.

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Because of the growing interest in these wee baby elves, a second book, "The Journey of Jingle & Bell" was released in 2021 to take readers on the adventurous journey of SnowPixie twins Jingle & Bell into the human world as told to their teacher and class at the North Pole School of Elf Etiquette.  Also released in 2021 was the SnowPixies Twins Care Package that includes two SnowPixies and a double decker crib.


This experience has been a lot of fun and brought many great memories along the way. Most importantly, we love hearing about the joy this adventure in baby elf-sitting has brought to many children!  On the Pixie-Grams page you can find words from elf sitting families sharing their experiences in this parent friendly Christmas Elf tradition with an outward focus for children.

Rachel with her mom, Wendy, at a craft show in 2018.

Mark with granddaughter Lillia working on a twin crib prototype in 2018.

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