​"...those holidays when you are young are the sweetest of all. You remember them forever.” Jean Shepherd
SnowPixies Videos!
Calling all Teachers!
A special message for teachers from Rachel Speas, an early childhood educator and one of the founders of the SnowPixies.
​Can you imagine a Christmas Elf Tradition for your family that is fun, positive, interactive, outwardly focused and teaches your values and traditions to your child?
What is in a SnowPixies Care Package?
​Watch a SnowPixies Care Package being opened to reveal what is inside!
SnowPixies: A Fun Family Christmas Tradition
​SnowPixies bring a fun, positive and outward focused Christmas tradition to families.
What are SnowPixies?
​Where do baby elves come from?
Christmas Opportunity in a Grinchy Economy
​Ideas to enjoy Christmas amid a grinchy economy and supply chain shortages.
SnowPixies Twins Care Package
​Twins Care Package introduction.